Family Wiersema (english)
Dear Visitor,
From 2004 onwards, a lot of my research has focused on the genealogy of the Wiersema’s, a prominent family whose origins go back to the beginning of the 16th century in the province of Groningen, Netherland. My database now contains over 4,700 individuals with the Wiersema name. Some 2.400 of them are related to these early progenitors, and that includes my wife who is a Wiersema. For photographs of some of these Wiersema’s, see the photo album. The name Wiersema is written in several ways: Wiersema, Wiersma, Wiertsema, Wiersum, Wierzema and Wismer. Another 800+ Wiersema’s in the database are definitely not linked to the early progenitors. They represent some 18 different family groups who mostly adopted the Wiersema name in the early 19th century. Over time, I will be adding to these different Wiersema’s on the site: Andere Wiersema's
The remaining Wiersema’s could not be placed as yet. There are shown under Problem Wiersema’s I hope you’ll be able to help me connect them to other known or unknown Wiersema’s.
If you come across a name you recognize, please contact me with whatever information might be helpful.
I am very mindful of people’s privacy concerns. If you don’t want certain names and/or data to be published on this website, please let me know by e-mail and I will remove the information or disguise it.
Who can help me with the Wiersema family trees? Who has additional input: names, data, photographs, ads, stories, etc.? Everything is welcome.
While it is impossible for me to show all the sources I used, I would like to thank everyone whose websites contained valuable information that I was able to use. I also received a lot of help from members of the Yahoo-geneologiegroep Groningen, and from Wiersema’s located in Holland, the USA and Canada. My sincere appreciation.
For an overview of the main Wiersema family tree, go to the site of the My family Wiersema .
Please do not forget to write something in my guestbook (gastenboek). If you have questions, please mail me.
I hope you enjoy your visit at my site.
Kind regards.
Frans Krom